Bridges are a permanent solution for missing teeth that are less invasive than dental implants and don’t require surgery.
Dental Bridges Treatment Profile
Dental bridges are a great option to replace missing teeth. There are two main types:
- Resin bonded bridges
- The conventional dental bridge
Resin bonded bridges
A minimally invasive option which relies on composite resin cements for retention. In comparison to conventional bridge preparations, they are conservative of tooth structure as there is no drilling involved. The fake tooth simply has an arm which is attached onto a healthy tooth. This can be done in either metal or porcelain.
Metal is easier to remove but if the tooth is quite thin the metal could shine through which would mean some discolouration of the teeth, in which case porcelain would be the more aesthetically pleasing option. The only thing to bear in mind with this is that when you bond porcelain to fresh enamel it is very hard to remove later on and may require some drilling. Not really a problem if you are planning to keep your bridge, but if it’s a temporary measure and you’re considering switching it for an implant at a later stage, it’s something to bear in mind.
Conventional dental bridges
A more invasive option compared to RBB (resin-bonded bridges) or dental implants, as it relies on the adjacent teeth to hold the missing tooth in place. This requires preparation (drilling) of the healthy adjacent teeth.
Smile With Confidence
Bridges are a permanent solution for missing teeth that are less invasive than dental implants and don’t require surgery. The porcelain finish matches your teeth for a natural look. Oral health is improved when there’s an even line-up of the teeth without gaps, it also makes eating and talking easier if this has previously been impaired by teeth gaps. Last but by no means least, you’ll be able to smile with confidence knowing there are no gaps!
Here at The Door W4 Dental Studio we offer:
- The Maryland bridge
- Resin bonded bridge
- 3 unit porcelain bridge
- Re-cementing an existing bridge
Depending on your situation, Dr Julia will discuss the different options with you and determine the best one for you.

Dr. Julia Coelho
Award-Winning Cosmetic Dentist and Aesthetic Practitioner, based in a private Dental Studio at the Door W4. Dr. Julia has transformed hundreds of smiles with exceptional, natural-looking results. Her dental work goes hand in hand with her expertise in advanced aesthetics treatments and skincare.
Book Your Visit
Our priority is your in-clinic comfort and long-term oral health. From our hyper-ergonomic massage dental chair, to our industry leading intra-oral 3D scanner, we have taken exceptional care to improve the Dentistry experience at every stage.
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