Men's Health
Private GP, Doctor Houda Ounnas offers an array of Men's Health checks and assessments to support all aspects of a man's wellbeing.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) - MEN

BHRT for men helps in maintaining the balance of testosterone in the body using naturally occurring (Bio-Identical) hormones with the same chemical structure as hormones within the body.
Men's Health Assessment

This more detailed health check covers both physical and mental health with an in-depth look at male issues whatever your stage of life.
Ultrasound - Abdomen and Pelvis

This radiation free scan uses high frequency sound waves to visualise and assess the bladder, prostate gland, and the surrounding area including blood vessels, kidneys and the bowel.
Testicular Ultrasound

This radiation free test is suitable for detecting soft lesions, cysts and early cancers.
ECG with a Cardiologist Interpretation

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple test that can be used to check your heart's rhythm and electrical activity.
General Men's Health Blood Bundle

The bundle screens for cholesterol, diabetes, kidney function, liver disease and anaemia and includes a full blood count, which is a great indicator of your general health. Suitable for everyone, at every age.
CT Calcium Score: Heart Scan

A coronary calcium scan is a CT scan of your heart that detects and measures the amount of calcium in the walls of your coronary arteries. Build-up of calcium, or calcifications, is a sign of atherosclerosis or ischemic heart disease.
Men's STD Screening

Every man should have an STD screen when changing sexual partners. If left untreated STDs can effect future fertility and in some cases be life threatening.
CityGent® Men's Health Screening

This discreet and efficient health assessment is designed to address all the health concerns of the modern man in a single comprehensive assessment.
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Dr. Houda Ounnas
Dr Houda Ounnas is a Psychotherapy trained GP that runs a 360 preventative clinic integrating physical and mental health. She has over 9 years experience as a GP and 15 years as a qualified doctor.
Fill in our Contact form for one of the team to get in touch with your enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you!