Porcelain Veneers
Dental veneers can cover up chips, cracks and discolouration. They look and feel natural, are low maintenance and can increase confidence in your smile.
Veneers are a great way of reshaping the teeth. They are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials to enhance, improve or change the appearance of your teeth. They are generally made from porcelain or composite resin.
Porcelain - The Superior Choice For Veneers
Porcelain veneers look the best, last the longest and are the most popular choice. They also don’t require maintenance, in comparison to Composite Veneers. The procedure usually requires some tooth preparation (slight drilling of the enamel) to allow space for the veneer and to achieve the best possible contour and natural appearance of the veneers.
Porcelain Veneers at The Door W4
The preparation for treatment includes being examined with scanners and assessing the patients bite. Smaller teeth may need some of the gum taken off to make sure they’re in proportion with each other. Usually when you think of veneers, you think of the teeth being shaved down first into horrible little pegs, this doesn’t have to be the case. If the teeth are properly aligned and spaced prior to the treatment, the veneers can be placed without the need for / with minimal shaving and drilling.

Book Your Visit
Our priority is your in-clinic comfort and long-term oral health. From our hyper-ergonomic massage dental chair, to our industry leading intra-oral 3D scanner, we have taken exceptional care to improve the Dentistry experience at every stage.

Dr. Julia Coelho
Award-Winning Cosmetic Dentist and Aesthetic Practitioner, based in a private Dental Studio at the Door W4. Dr. Julia has transformed hundreds of smiles with exceptional, natural-looking results. Her dental work goes hand in hand with her expertise in advanced aesthetics treatments and skincare.
Restorative Dental Treatments
Dental Studio at The Door W4 with Dr Julia CoelhoWhite Filling

White composite restoration (white filling) is a tooth coloured resin material that bonds to the tooth to restore, reshape or cosmetically improve carious, broken or disfigured teeth.
Composite Veneers

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-coloured materials to enhance or change the appearance of your teeth. Composite Veneers do not require tooth preparation compared to porcelain.
Temporary Filling
Available to treat by Dr Julia Coelho at The Door W4. Contact us to discuss your dental concerns and book. 020 8742 8822.
Inlay/Onlay - Porcelain or Gold

Dental inlays/onlays are dental restorations usually made of porcelain, composite resin, gold or precious metals, used to restore your natural tooth structure.
Porcelain Veneers

Dental veneers can cover up chips, cracks and discolouration. They look and feel natural, are low maintenance and can increase confidence in your smile.

A dental crown or cap is a type of dental restoration that completely covers a weak or damaged tooth or dental implant. They can be made from porcelain, emax, zirconia, gold or metal.
Crown Repair
Available with Dr Julia Coelho at The Door W4. Contact us to discuss your concerns or book in your dental treatment. 020 8742 8822 enquiries@thedoorw4.co.uk
Get in touch with us for any enquiries by filling out our form below.