Root Canal
Root Canal treatment (endodontics) is needed when an infection or abscess in the tooth is present, which can cause pain in the nerve throughout the jaw.
What Does The Treatment Involve?
Root Canal Treatment for a dental abscess needs to take place as soon as possible. If left untreated you may start to get pus coming out of the mouth, experience bad breath and the abscess can expand and weaken the jaw. There are blood vessels in the jaw that are linked to your heart, there have been cases where patients get endocarditis - an infection of the tooth causing an infection of the heart. It’s very important to get it treated.
Conventional steps of the procedure:
- An opening is made in the tooth
- The canals are cleaned and the infected tissue is removed using an endodontic file
- The canals are then filled with a permanent material (gutta-percha)
- The opening is sealed with filling. In some cases, a post is inserted for extra support.
- A new crown is cemented onto the rebuilt tooth.
High Spec Equipment. Precise, Same Day Results.
Digital Radiographs – CBCT Scan
We use a CBCT scan and magnifaction loops to find the canals, it’s near impossible to perform a good root canal treatment without this step, most clinics do not have access to one of these machines.
- 3D image of teeth, soft tissue, nerve pathways and bone
- Precise and clear data and imagery. We can track where the nerves are and see where’s safe to work on
- Less radiation exposure to the patient
- Better diagnostics and treatment plan
- 3D imagery always before wisdom tooth extraction to avoid nerve damage
- Used for planning for implants. Shows us how much bone is available.
- Can see jaw fractures which might be linked to tooth pain
- We are one of the 10% of practices in the UK that have this scanner!
We also use RECIPROC equipment, the files have curvatures for cleaning which is useful for when the root canal is not straight, this kit offers more precision and is both safe and effective. We also use hot fill material inserted with a gun to create a really densely packed tooth for the best results.

Dr. Julia Coelho
Award-Winning Cosmetic Dentist and Aesthetic Practitioner, based in a private Dental Studio at the Door W4. Dr. Julia has transformed hundreds of smiles with exceptional, natural-looking results. Her dental work goes hand in hand with her expertise in advanced aesthetics treatments and skincare.
Book Your Visit
Our priority is your in-clinic comfort and long-term oral health. From our hyper-ergonomic massage dental chair, to our industry leading intra-oral 3D scanner, we have taken exceptional care to improve the Dentistry experience at every stage.
Get in touch with us for any enquiries by filling out our form below.